Bounce Bots


Bounce Bots

At a boardgame convention I played a game called “Ricochet Robots” that I immediately fell in love with. It turns out this game is long out of print and somewhat hard to get a copy of, so I made my own web clone of it.




I don’t know what got me interested in pinball, but I started making this game during the pandemic, and now I can’t wait for places near me to open up so I can go try pinball out in person.




In high school and college I frequently played a game with my friends that we called SaladBowl. It started with everyone getting five slips of paper, writing down a short noun-phrase on each slip, then putting all the slips into a container in the middle (traditionally a salad bowl). The game then played similarly to taboo and charades, but while using clues drawn from the salad bowl. I made this website to facillitate playing the game without needing pens or paper or a bowl or a person in charge of a timer.

Pod Racer


Pod Racer

I wanted to make a racing game where instead of the controls being throttle and direction, you just have two throttles for two engines out in front of you. I got to write some fun aerodynamics code for this (I had an aerospace engineer for a roommate to help me out with the physics).

Commander Periscope


Commander Periscope

I really enjoy the boardgame Captain Sonar, but it’s not that often that I have 8 friends together to play it, so I wanted a way to play it online. The game is in a playable state, except the radio operator probably needs pencil and paper to draw their path by hand.